The Routine

The Routine
Posted on 08/24/2016
Effective behavior management begins with overt procedures and routines designed to teach and promote positive expectations, inhibit or discourage rule violating behavior, and create a culture of competence in which communication and procedures are effective and efficient.  

Establishing rules at the beginning of the year is important (see full article), but are not adequate to establish a proactive and efficient learning environment.

Well defined routines and procedures help students master the steps necessary to accomplish tasks. The sequence of behaviors students must engage in to complete specific tasks and procedures are usually too complex to address with classroom rules. Behavioral expectations for these procedures are addressed more efficiently with consistent routines. Routines are easily designed by listing the activities and transitions that occur throughout the day and completing a task analysis for each activity. The task analysis is translated into classroom routines and procedures that can be taught. It is beneficial to establish routines for transitions and frequently occurring activities (see Table 2).

Table 2 Image from Lori Article

As with the classroom rules, the routines should also align with the schoolwide expectations (see Figure 2). Establishing procedures and routines in this way allows for a consistent and orderly environment, helps students to manage transitions efficiently, and to self‐monitor their behavior.


To see the entire article by Dr. Lori Newcomer, and to read more about how to teach expectations, precorrect, and more, click here.

For even more information and hands-on training, join us on August 29 & 30, 2016 where Dr. Lori Newcomer will be presenting on Coaching Practices To Address The Complex Nature Of Classrooms With Challenging Behaviors.