Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

PBIS is a framework for creating safe, positive, equitable schools, where every student can feel valued, connected to the school community, and supported by caring adults. By implementing evidence-based practices within a PBIS framework, schools support their students' academic, social, emotional, and behavioral success, engage with families to create locally-meaningful and culturally-relevant outcomes, and use data to make informed decisions that improve the way things work for everyone. (Center on PBIS)

PBIS Outcomes

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Early Childhood PBIS (EC-PBIS)
Early Childhood PBIS (EC-PBIS)

Implementing a multi-tiered system of support to improve the social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes of young children sets the stage for school success. Understanding the developmentally appropriate practices for early childhood classrooms to support social-emotional learning and prevent challenging behaviors. (Center on PBIS)

  • The first steps to implementing PBIS in early childhood settings involve training and building staff capacity. Leadership teams attend a multiple-day training on program-wide implementation to develop implementation.
  • Early childhood PBIS systems are very similar to the foundational systems guiding any PBIS framework. The primary difference is the way these systems adapt to sere the unique needs of younger children and their families.
ResourcesProfessional Development
Professional Development

Scope and Sequence

List of trainings for PBIS:
  • Year 1 Team, Coach & Admin
  • Year 2 Team, Coach & Admin
  • Year 3 Team, Coach & Admin
  • Prevent, Teach Reinforce (PTR) Series of 4
  • Bootcamp
  • Tier 1: Back to Basics
  • Check-In Check-Out (CICO)
  • School-wide Information System (SWIS) Application - Tier 1
  • CICO-SWIS Application - Tier 2
  • Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)
  • Staff Managed (minors) versus Admin Managed (majors) Facilitation
  • PBIS in the Home
  • On-Site Request Form
Recognition 2024