
Annual Calendar

Activity Responsible
Coordinate with Pacific Hearing calendars for the annual service calendar DM Ops
Type the calendar in the SELPA format, adding due dates for paperwork to be turned in (Need to allow a minimum of one week for processing paperwork and to account for late comers) DM Ops

Distribute the calendar to the following:
  • LEA Directors
  • LEA Support Staff for Directors
  • County Area Directors
  • Support Staff for County Area Director
  • LEA "Coordinators" (person who helps at the LEA level; that person holds a different position in each LEA - it could be a LEA level support person, an SLP, a nurse, even a director)
  • All Desert/Mountain SLPs
  • County DHH classroom teachers and itinerants

DM Ops

Reminder to LEAs

Activity Responsible
Send an email reminder three weeks prior to the LEA coordinator stating their date is approaching and when the paperwork due date is DM Ops
Provide the LEA with a copy of the follow-up log from the previous Assessment Day and possible the one before that with students to be seen highlighted. *Does not apply to D/M Operations DM Ops

Include the calendar in the August Steering Committee packet and mention it under the information items. Remind LEAs to be timely in their submission of paperwork

DM Ops
Email the LEA Coordinator if you don't have all the paperwork by the due date DM Ops


Activity Responsible
Receive referral and enter data into the audiology database DM Ops
DM Ops informs PHS of referrals that have been received indicating DM Ops

Review each referral and check to see if the paperwork is complete,
  • Initials require forms D/M 108, D/M 66, and D/M 63
    • Two failed hearing screenings or an audiogram, grades, and a current IEP (if the student is already identified as meeting the criteria as a student with disabilities) *Does not apply to D/M Operations
  • Annuals require forms D/M 108A, D/M 66, and D/M 63 (for current school year)
  • If the paperwork is not complete, send back to the LEA electronically and request completion

DM Ops
Send paperwork electronically to Pacific Hearing Services and make a copy of the documents for the SELPA student file (until and electronic record is in place) DM Ops
Based on the types of referrals the LEA provides (initials/annuals), will develop the start and end time for the assessment day PHS
LEA coordinator handles the schedule of student assessment times and sends to DM Ops (initial referrals are scheduled for 30 minutes; annuals are scheduled for 20 minutes), and any transportation issues. *Does not apply to D/M Operations LEA
DM Ops
A minimum of two days prior to the Assessment Day:
  • Provide Pacific Hearing Services with a follow-up log that includes the list of students to be seen, types of appointments, school of attendance, appointment times, and what will be done during the appointment. *Does not apply to D/M Operations
  • Ensure all paperwork is sent electronically to Pacific Hearing Services
DM Ops

Assessment Day

Activity Responsible
LEA coordinator to remind children to bring their equipment to the assessment. LEA coordinator or designee to be present the entire day to assist escorting students to the audiology van LEA
Complete the follow-up, document any immediate needs, what will be done at the next appointment, and when the next appointment should take place. Send follow-up log to SELPA coordinator. *Does not apply to D/M Operations PHS

Send follow-up log electronically to DM Ops who will file log in the Audiology Services yearly binder (until the electronic record is in place). DM Ops to highlight what will be done next time for distribution. *Does not apply to D/M Operations
DM Ops
Send the LEA a copy of highlighted follow-up log DM Ops


Activity Responsible
Complete reports and sends to SELPA PHS
Electronically send cover letters with PHS reports to LEA directors, cc: LEA director secretaries and LEA coordinator DM Ops

Place a copy of the cover letter in appropriate year Audiology Letters binder (until the electronic record is ready) DM Ops
Meeting monthly with D/M Operations DHH Itinerant teachers to review all reports and determine who may need further assessment and services DM Ops

Assessment Follow-up/IEP Meeting

Activity Responsible
LEA receives PHS reports and schedules IEP meetings to review reports and take any recommendations into consideration. The appointed SLP for the student will review the audiogram with the IEP team.
  • When there is a LEA/charter without an SLP or an SLP with limited time or expertise, a request to the Area Director and support staff needs to be made for a DHH Itinerant teacher to participate in the IEP meeting to assist in the interpretation of the audiology report. DHH Itinerant teacher to email Area Director and support staff of requests that do not come from the Area Director
DM Ops
Area Director
If the IEP team agrees the student benefits from an FM system, the LEA coordinator/SLP makes the request to DM Ops who requests an equipment quote from Pacific Hearing Services LEA
DM Ops
DM Ops receives quote, completes Low Incidence Equipment (LIE) form, and submits for approval from SELPA CEO. The LIE form will be sent back to the SELPA coordinator who will keep a copy and send to the SELPA business department to order and pay for the equipment

DM Ops

Training Opportunities

Activity Responsible
Proper Equipment Use and Troubleshooting PHS
Audiology Assessments and How to Interpret PHS

Parent Support/Training (as needed)

Inventory and Tracking of Equipment

Activity Responsible

New Equipment

  • SELPA coordinator sends purchase order for equipment and provides tags to Pacific Hearing Services
  • PHS delivers equipment to student
  • PHS sends assigned delivery receipt to SELPA business department. Receipt includes student name, site, make, model, serial numbers, and tag numbers
  • SELPA business department enters equipment in database with LIE numbers, serial numbers, and tag numbers.
Returned Equipment
  • Equipment returned to DM Ops with student name and site
  • DM Ops coordinator reports returned items to PHS to confirm all components assigned are returned
  • PHS informs DM Ops if all components are accounted for or what components are missing
  • DM Ops  notifies SELPA business department of returned and/or missing equipment
  • SELPA business department updates database
  • SELPA business department updates database with new student and site information
DM Ops
Lost and Repaired Equipment
  • PHS is notified of lost equipment
  • PHS reassigns equipment in inventory or orders replacement equipment
  • PHS sends assigned delivery receipt to SELPA business department. Receipt includes student name, site, make, model, replacement serial numbers, and tag numbers
  • SELPA business department updates database with serial number as needed
  • For repaired equipment, PHS notifies SELPA business department of new serial number to update database
End of School Year
  • PHS generates and sends list of students assigned equipment by LEA and site to the SELPA coordinator
  • SELPA coordinator distributes list to LEA coordinator
  • LEA coordinator distributes information to site contact
  • Site contact inventories equipment
    • If the student stays at the school site, secure equipment and note location on inventory log
    • If the student is remaining in the LEA but is changing sites, equipment is returned to the LEA coordinator to secure and location is noted on the inventory log
    • If the student is changing LEAs or leaving the SELPA, equipment is returned to LEA coordinator, noted on log, and returned to the SELPA coordinator
    • LEA coordinator sends copy of completed inventory log to SELPA coordinator
    • SELPA coordinator shares log with PHS for any needed follow-up
Beginning of School Year
  • SELPA coordinator updates inventory log and distributes to PHS and LEA coordinator
    • If student stays at the school site, LEA coordinator arranges transfer and in-service of equipment
    • If student is remaining in the LEA but is changing sites, LEA coordinator arranges transfer and in-service of equipment
    • If student is changing LEAs, SELPA coordinator will contact LEA coordinator to arrange transfer and in-service of equipment
File Inventory

Purge student files annually at the end of each school year (until an electronic record is in place)
  • SELPA coordinator emails LEA coordinators a list of students who were not seen in the past year, moved, etc.
  • SELPA coordinator double checks MIS against audiology roster